Although I still wish Inferno got added to the faction lineup because good god do I feel like I’m being teased like oh your favorite faction still lingers in this game, too bad you’ll never actually get to see them fully implemented due to our low sales. Heroes 7, while definitely very flawed and riddled with bugs, I still found to be a fun experience enjoying the combat and utilizing the flanking mechanic pretty well, all the while pointing out and laughing at all the little bugs and glitches I would find in things such as the local guard screen (like seriously, did they never think that someone would try looking at this screen in more than one faction’s town or play Hotseat by themselves or what). Heroes 6 was fun for a good while until I ran into a lot of technical and compatibility issues, namely the infamous dark screen glitch that killed all of the game’s lighting as well as lots of lag, but the game felt pretty fun all the while. Heroes 5 is a real close second for me both in how fun and unique each faction felt as well as just looking all around amazing. Heroes 4, while definitely flawed, is still a fun experience and will always be my favorite title.

Heroes 3 feels really fun with its Random Map Generator. Heroes 2 felt like a great nostalgia trip for me.